Friday, January 17, 2025

Ubiquiti ER-X router configuration


We define the following networks:

  • WAN - WAN interfaces
  • LAN - VLAN 1 (U) - - all trusted hosts (PCs, smartphones, tablets, TVs, homeassistant etc) - router, switch
  • Guest - VLAN 20 (T) - - guest wifi
  • IOT - VLAN 30 (T) - - smart devices
  • DMZ

We define the following zones:

  • WAN: internet
  • LOCAL: router (er-x.matrix.local), dns, dhcp, switch (usw.matrix.local), wifi (u7ap.matrix.local)
  • LAN: trusted network, all wired and wireless hosts, home server (homeassistant, ha.matrix.local) serving http(s), ssh, mqtt, and many more
  • GUEST: untrusted network allowed to connect to internet
  • IOT: untrusted network allowed to connect to the home server (homeassistant, ha.matrix.local) and IOT cloud hosts
  • DMZ: reverse proxy (not defined yet) for home server (homeassistant, ha.matrix.local)

Firewall rules:


Keep last 10 configuration commit revisions (by default none is kept)

See the official docs for verbose info.

set system config-management commit-revisions 10

This allows you later list commits and roll them back.
After fuckup rollback to specific revision\

rollback ? # list commits
rollback {NUM}

Harden services

set service gui listen-address
set service gui older-ciphers disable
set service ssh listen-address
set service ssh port 22
set service ssh protocol-version v2

Connect to UISP

Install SSL from Let's Encrypt

# Get current configuration
show configuration commands

set system conntrack expect-table-size 4096
set system conntrack hash-size 4096
set system conntrack table-size 32768
set system conntrack tcp half-open-connections 512
set system conntrack tcp loose enable
set system conntrack tcp max-retrans 3
set system analytics-handler send-analytics-report false
set system crash-handler send-crash-report false
set system host-name er-x
set system login user simsim authentication encrypted-password '$5$GzaxeALmDwwUVsIn$1.8BstbMd7IHI23lILPW2Nt/EITe4e0cpBrxA31cYaD'
set system login user simsim level admin
set system ntp server
set system ntp server
set system syslog global facility all level notice
set system syslog global facility protocols level debug
set system time-zone Europe/Kiev
set system offload hwnat enable
set system offload ipsec enable
set system domain-name home
set system systemd journal
set system traffic-analysis dpi enable
set system traffic-analysis export enable
set service gui http-port 80
set service gui https-port 443
set service gui older-ciphers disable
set service ssh port 22
set service ssh protocol-version v2
set service unms disable
set service ubnt-discover disable
commit; save; exit
reboot now
set firewall all-ping enable
set firewall broadcast-ping disable
set firewall ipv6-receive-redirects disable
set firewall ipv6-src-route disable
set firewall ip-src-route disable
set firewall log-martians disable
set firewall receive-redirects disable
set firewall send-redirects enable
set firewall source-validation disable
set firewall syn-cookies enable
set firewall group network-group PRIVATE_NETS network
set firewall group network-group PRIVATE_NETS network
set firewall group network-group PRIVATE_NETS network
set firewall modify balance rule 10 action modify
set firewall modify balance rule 10 description 'do NOT load balance lan to lan'
set firewall modify balance rule 10 destination group network-group PRIVATE_NETS
set firewall modify balance rule 10 modify table main
set firewall modify balance rule 50 action modify
set firewall modify balance rule 50 description 'do NOT load balance destination public address'
set firewall modify balance rule 50 destination group address-group ADDRv4_eth3
set firewall modify balance rule 50 modify table main
set firewall modify balance rule 60 action modify
set firewall modify balance rule 60 description 'do NOT load balance destination public address'
set firewall modify balance rule 60 destination group address-group ADDRv4_eth4
set firewall modify balance rule 60 modify table main
set firewall modify balance rule 70 action modify
set firewall modify balance rule 70 modify lb-group G

set load-balance group G exclude-local-dns disable
set load-balance group G flush-on-active enable
set load-balance group G gateway-update-interval 20
set load-balance group G interface eth3
set load-balance group G interface eth4
set load-balance group G lb-local enable
set load-balance group G lb-local-metric-change disable
set load-balance group G exclude-local-dns disable
set load-balance group G flush-on-active enable
set load-balance group G gateway-update-interval 20
set load-balance group G interface eth3 failover-only
set load-balance group G interface eth3 route-test count failure 3
set load-balance group G interface eth3 route-test count success 3
set load-balance group G interface eth3 route-test initial-delay 1
set load-balance group G interface eth3 route-test interval 10
set load-balance group G interface eth3 route-test type ping target
set load-balance group G interface eth4 route-test count failure 3
set load-balance group G interface eth4 route-test count success 3
set load-balance group G interface eth4 route-test initial-delay 1
set load-balance group G interface eth4 route-test interval 10
set load-balance group G interface eth4 route-test type ping target
set load-balance group G lb-local enable
set load-balance group G lb-local-metric-change disable

commit; save; 

set interfaces ethernet eth0 description USW
set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex auto
set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed auto
set interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex auto
set interfaces ethernet eth1 speed auto
set interfaces ethernet eth2 duplex auto
set interfaces ethernet eth2 speed auto
set interfaces ethernet eth3 address dhcp
set interfaces ethernet eth3 description WAN_IT-TV
set interfaces ethernet eth3 duplex auto
set interfaces ethernet eth3 speed auto
set interfaces ethernet eth4 address dhcp
set interfaces ethernet eth4 description WAN_VEGA
set interfaces ethernet eth4 duplex auto
set interfaces ethernet eth4 poe output off
set interfaces ethernet eth4 speed auto
set interfaces loopback lo
delete interfaces ethernet eth1 address dhcp
set interfaces switch switch0 firewall in modify balance
set interfaces switch switch0 mtu 1500
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth1
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth2
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 1 address
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 1 description LAN
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 20 address
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 20 description Guest
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 30 address
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 30 description IoT
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 40 address
set interfaces switch switch0 vif 40 description DMZ
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port vlan-aware enable
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth1 vlan pvid 1
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth2 vlan pvid 1

commit; save;

set service dhcp-server disabled false
set service dhcp-server hostfile-update disable
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 authoritative enable
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet start stop
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet default-router
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet dns-server
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet domain-name home
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Ring-ChimePro ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Ring-ChimePro mac-address '54:e0:19:5f:04:6c'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Ring-Doorbell ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Ring-Doorbell mac-address '54:e0:19:18:ef:c4'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Kitchen-Sonoff-DualR3 ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Kitchen-Sonoff-DualR3 mac-address 'a0:b7:65:56:3d:f4'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping ToiletSonoff-DualR3 ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Toilet-Sonoff-DualR3 mac-address '08:3a:f2:2b:e4:30'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Toilet-TP-Link-P110_Plug ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Toilet-TP-Link-P110_Plug mac-address '48:22:54:3e:59:a4'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping U7AP ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping U7AP mac-address '28:70:4e:6e:e0:77'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping USW ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping USW mac-address '9c:05:d6:e0:74:e2'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Kitchen-Bosch-Dishwasher ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping Kitchen-Bosch-Dishwasher mac-address '38:b4:d3:f1:33:3b'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping My-Yeelink-Ceiling22 ip-address
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN_PVID1 subnet static-mapping My-Yeelink-Ceiling22 mac-address '54:48:e6:63:f3:0f'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name GUEST_VID20 authoritative enable
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name GUEST_VID20 subnet start stop
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name GUEST_VID20 subnet default-router
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name GUEST_VID20 subnet dns-server
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name GUEST_VID20 subnet domain-name home
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name IOT_VID30 authoritative enable
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name IOT_VID30 subnet start stop
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name IOT_VID30 subnet default-router
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name IOT_VID30 subnet dns-server
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name IOT_VID30 subnet domain-name home
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name DMZ_VID40 authoritative enable
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name DMZ_VID40 subnet start stop
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name DMZ_VID40 subnet default-router
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name DMZ_VID40 subnet dns-server
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name DMZ_VID40 subnet domain-name home
set service dhcp-server static-arp disable
set service dhcp-server use-dnsmasq enable

commit; save;

set service dns forwarding listen-on switch0.1
set service dns forwarding listen-on switch0.20
set service dns forwarding listen-on switch0.30
set service dns forwarding listen-on switch0.40
set service dns forwarding cache-size 1500
set service dns forwarding options bogus-priv
set service dns forwarding options domain-needed
set service dns forwarding options enable-ra
set service dns forwarding options localise-queries
set service dns forwarding options expand-hosts
set service dns forwarding options strict-order
set service dns forwarding options address=/home/
set system static-host-mapping host-name er-x.home inet
set system static-host-mapping host-name usw.home inet
set system static-host-mapping host-name u7ap.home inet
set system static-host-mapping host-name hass.home inet
set service nat rule 5006 description 'masquerade for WAN_IT-TV'
set service nat rule 5006 outbound-interface eth3
set service nat rule 5006 type masquerade
set service nat rule 5008 description 'masquerade for WAN_VEGA'
set service nat rule 5008 outbound-interface eth4
set service nat rule 5008 type masquerade
set service nat rule 5006 log disable
set service nat rule 5006 protocol all
set service nat rule 5008 log disable
set service nat rule 5008 protocol all

commit; save;

set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL default-action drop
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 10 description 'accept established/related'
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 20 action accept
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 20 description 'accept https to NPMPlus'
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 20 protocol tcp
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 20 destination port 443
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 100 action drop
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 100 description 'drop invalid'
set firewall name WAN_TO_ALL rule 100 state invalid enable

set firewall name FW_ACCEPT default-action accept

set firewall name FW_DROP default-action drop

set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL default-action drop
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 10 description 'accept dns'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 10 log disable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 10 protocol udp
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 10 destination port 53
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 20 action accept
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 20 description 'accept dhcp'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 20 protocol udp
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 20 destination port 67-68
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 30 action drop
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 30 description 'drop invalid'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL rule 30 state invalid enable

### GUEST to LAN
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN default-action drop
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 10 action accept
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 10 description 'accept established/related'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 10 log disable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 action accept
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 description 'accept https to HomeAssistant'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 log disable
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 protocol tcp
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 destination port 443
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 20 destination address
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 100 action drop
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 100 description 'drop invalid'
set firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN rule 100 state invalid enable

### IOT to WAN
set firewall name IOT_TO_WAN default-action accept

### IOT to LOCAL
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL default-action drop
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 10 description 'accept dns'
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 10 log disable
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 10 protocol udp
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 10 destination port 53
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 20 action accept
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 20 description 'accept dhcp'
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 20 protocol udp
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 20 destination port 67-68
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 30 action drop
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 30 description 'drop invalid'
set firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL rule 30 state invalid enable

### IOT to LAN
set firewall name IOT_TO_LAN default-action accept

### DMZ to LOCAL
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL default-action drop
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 10 description 'accept dns'
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 10 log disable
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 10 protocol udp
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 10 destination port 53
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL  rule 20 action accept
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 20 description 'accept dhcp'
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 20 protocol udp
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 20 destination port 67-68
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 30 action drop
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL  rule 30 description 'drop invalid'
set firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL rule 30 state invalid enable

commit; save;

### Enable policies
set zone-policy zone WAN1 interface eth3
set zone-policy zone WAN1 default-action drop
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from GUEST firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from IOT firewall name IOT_TO_WAN
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from WAN2 firewall name FW_DROP
set zone-policy zone WAN1 from DMZ firewall name FW_ACCEPT

set zone-policy zone WAN2 interface eth4
set zone-policy zone WAN2 default-action drop
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from GUEST firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from IOT firewall name IOT_TO_WAN
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from WAN1 firewall name FW_DROP
set zone-policy zone WAN2 from DMZ firewall name FW_ACCEPT

set zone-policy zone LOCAL local-zone
set zone-policy zone LOCAL default-action drop
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from IOT firewall name IOT_TO_LOCAL
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from WAN1 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from WAN2 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from GUEST firewall name GUEST_TO_LOCAL
set zone-policy zone LOCAL from DMZ firewall name DMZ_TO_LOCAL

set zone-policy zone LAN interface switch0.1
set zone-policy zone LAN default-action drop
set zone-policy zone LAN from WAN1 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone LAN from WAN2 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone LAN from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone LAN from GUEST firewall name GUEST_TO_LAN
set zone-policy zone LAN from IOT firewall name IOT_TO_LAN
set zone-policy zone LAN from DMZ firewall name FW_ACCEPT

set zone-policy zone GUEST interface switch0.20
set zone-policy zone GUEST default-action drop
set zone-policy zone GUEST from WAN1 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone GUEST from WAN2 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone GUEST from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone GUEST from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone GUEST from IOT firewall name FW_DROP
set zone-policy zone GUEST from DMZ firewall name FW_DROP

set zone-policy zone IOT interface switch0.30
set zone-policy zone IOT default-action drop
set zone-policy zone IOT from WAN1 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone IOT from WAN2 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone IOT from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone IOT from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone IOT from GUEST firewall name FW_DROP
set zone-policy zone IOT from DMZ firewall name FW_DROP

set zone-policy zone DMZ interface switch0.40
set zone-policy zone DMZ default-action drop
set zone-policy zone DMZ from WAN1 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone DMZ from WAN2 firewall name WAN_TO_ALL
set zone-policy zone DMZ from LOCAL firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone DMZ from LAN firewall name FW_ACCEPT
set zone-policy zone DMZ from GUEST firewall name FW_DROP
set zone-policy zone DMZ from IOT firewall name FW_DROP

commit; save; 

### Reconnect link to eth1                                           ###
### Set Obtain an IP address automatically                           ###
### Reconnect to the router via IP                      ###

delete interfaces ethernet eth0 address
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth0
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth0 vlan pvid 1
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth0 vlan vid 20
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth0 vlan vid 30
set interfaces switch switch0 switch-port interface eth1 vlan vid 40

commit; save; exit
reboot now

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Build 5kW powerbank with Victron Energy Multiplus II GX inverter and 5kW 48V LiFePo battery

I have Victron Energy Multiplus II GX 48V-5000VA-70A inverter and 5kW 48V 100Ah LiFePo battery from Ukrainian vendor ADS.

First initialization and configuration Victron Energy Multiplus II GX inverter

  • For testing reason I connected cable to the AC-IN terminal block on inverter and to electrical socket.
    CAUTION!!! Be sure that phase, neutral and ground is correctly connected to the inverter AC-IN terminal!!!
    Connection of the AC cabling
  • Power on inverter (put switch button to the position I)
    On/Off/Charger only Switch
  • Connect WiFi antenna to the socket on the top of the inverter.
  • There are several options how to connect to the inverter:
    • Using MK3-USB cable to connect inverter and PC/laptop. This cable is not included with inverter and have a price EUR~70-90.
    • Install VictronConnect app on smartphone/tablet and connect to the inverter via Bluetooth.
      Bluetooth password is printed on a label located on the inverter.
      Picture 1. Victron Multiplus II GX
      WiFi/Bluetooth/VRM data.
      Go to Settings and configure WiFi connection on the inverter.
      Picture 2. VictronConnect - Device List.
      Picture 3. VictronConnect - Multiplus II GX data
      Picture 4. VictronConnect - Settings - Network
    • Or connect inverter to home network via ethernet cable. This option is more stable and better then WiFi.
    • Or connect to the inverter WiFi access point. WiFi AP password is printed on a label located on the inverter (Picture 1.).
  • Open web browser and go to address http://venus.local. If this address don't work check inverter IP address (you can find inverter IP address in VictronConnect app, for example) and go to address http://<inverter_IP_address>. This is inverter remote console. All inverter configurations could be done via this console.
    Picture 5. Inverter Remote Console
  • Register inverter on VRM portal
    • Create free account on VRM portal
    • Register inverter on VRM portal with inverter VRM ID. You can find VRM ID on the label on the inverter (Picture 1).
    • Keep inverter connected to the internet and VRM portal will collect and show real-time info of your installation
      Picture 6. VRM Dashboard

Connect battery to the inverter

  • I have battery ADS LT-LFP 48100Т (5kW 48V 100Ah LiFePo) from local Ukrainian vendor ADS. This battery built on prismatic cells and JK Inverter BMS PB1A16S10P (Hardware Ver: V15A, Firmware Ver: V15.27).
    Picture 7. ADS LT-LFP 48100T battery
    Picture 8. Battery JK BMS data
  • Install JK BMS app on smartphone/tablet and connect to the inverter via Bluetooth. Default password is "1234".
  • Prepare cable to connect battery and inverter. You need Type A cable to connect battery BMS to inverter VE.Can port (VE.Can to CAN-bus BMS cables manual).
    FunctionVictron VE.Can sideBattery side
    GNDPin 3Pin 6
    CAN-LPin 8Pin 5
    CAN-HPin 7Pin 4
    Table 1. Cable Type A pinout scheme.
  • Open inverter remote console. Press "Enter" button, go to "Settings" -> "Services" -> "VE.Can port" -> "CAN-bus profile" and select option "CAN-bus BMS LV (500 kbit/s)".
    • Open JK BMS app, go to "Settings" page, click on "Verify PWD" and enter Bluetooth password once again (default is 1234), click "Advanced Settings". Scroll down and click on the option "CAN Protocol No.:", select option "004 - Victron_CANbus_BMS_protocol_20170717", click "Ok" to set this option.
      Picture 9. JK BMS CAN protocol for Victron Multiplus II GX
  • Connect battery and inverter with prepared cable.
    Put the VE.Can RJ45 terminator to the second VE.Can port in the inverter.
    Be aware that cable is not symmetrical. So you must connect battery cable side to the battery and VE.Can cable side to the VE.Can port in inverter.
    Picture 10. Inverter VE.Can ports
  • If connection established successfully you can see new device "JK-BMS" on inverter Remote Console.
    Picture 11. JK BMS in Inverter Remote Console
    Also battery will show in VRM portal.
    Picture 12. Battery on VRM Dashboard
    Picture 13. Battery in VRM Device List

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Brocade FC switch: Unable to collect ConfigUpload or Supportsave via SCP and SFTP (scp failed)


  • host with OS Linux (RHEL, Rocky Linux etc.)
  • host can access to switch
  • no firewall blocks between switch and host
  • network admin open access from switch to host on 22 port
  • but configUpload returns error: scp failed

 SCP Example:
switch:admin> configupload
Protocol (scp, ftp, sftp, local) [ftp]: scp
Do you want to continue with CRA (Y/N) [N]: y
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: admin
Path/Filename [<home dir>/config.txt]: /configupload.scp
Section (all|chassis|switch [all]): switch
lost connection
configUpload not permitted (scp failed).


Clear all known hosts keys on switch:
sshutil delknownhost -all

Found this on Dell support knowledge base:
Connectrix B-Series:Unable to collect ConfigUpload or Supportsave via SCP and SFTP

Monday, October 30, 2023

Start GUI application from Windows on remote Linux server with Xming

  1. Start Xming.
  2. Set "Enable X11 forwarding" in Putty configuration (Connection -> SSH -> X11).
  3. Login to remote Linux server with SSH via Putty.
  4. Start GUI application with logged user credentials.
  5. If you need to start GUI application with root credentials:
    • run "sudo su -"
    • run commands:
      $ chmod a+r /home/<user_login>/.Xauthority
      $ export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
      $ export XAUTHORITY=/home/<user_login>/.Xauthority

Monday, February 6, 2023

Update of IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environment (VMware) finished with Java error "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"

 If update of IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environment (VMware) finished with Java error "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" and you see errors like this:

JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Heap dump using '/tmp/install.dir.1556855/' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Heap dump written to /tmp/install.dir.1556855/
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/tmp/install.dir.1556855/javacore.20230206.143627.1556855.0012.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /tmp/install.dir.1556855/javacore.20230206.143627.1556855.0012.txt
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/tmp/install.dir.1556855/Snap.20230206.143627.1556855.0013.trc' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /tmp/install.dir.1556855/Snap.20230206.143627.1556855.0013.trc
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError".

Try to start install process with the option "-jvmxmx 12g":

./installer-Linux.bin -jvmxmx 12g

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

IBM Storwize/FlashSystem/SVC CLI examples, tips and tricks

  •  List FRU part number for specific Tier drives:
    svcinfo lsdrive -nohdr |while read id status use tech_type capacity;do if [[ $tech_type == "tier0_flash" ]];then lsdrive $id | while read idd value;do if [[ $idd == "FRU_part_number" ]];then echo $id";"$tech_type";"$value;fi;done;fi;done

Friday, July 8, 2022

Veeam Types of Backup Files

 Veeam Types of Backup Files

Veeam Agent Types of Backup Files

Veeam for Vmware vSphere Backup Chain 

List of Veeam file extensions

File typeVeeam ComponentDescription
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
Full backup file
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
Incremental backup file
Forever forward incremental (FFI) or Forward incremental (FI) for VBR for VMware or Hyper-V
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
Backup metadata files that store information about the backup job, VMs processed by the backup job, number and structure of backup files, restore points, and so on. Metadata files facilitate import of backups, backup mapping and other operations.
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Virtual synthetic backup files used for generation of virtual full backups on tapes. For more information, see Virtual Full Backup.
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
MS SQL transaction log backups
Oracle archived log backups
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
MS SQL transaction log backups
Oracle archived log backups
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
MS SQL transaction log backups
Oracle archived log backups
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Veeam Agent
MS SQL transaction log backups
Oracle archived log backups
VBR for VMware
VBR for Hyper-V
Reverse incremental (RI) backup file

Keep in mind that Veeam Agent creates VLM files only in backup chains started in Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 5.0 and later. If you upgrade Veeam Agent and continue the backup chain that was started in the earlier Veeam Agent version, Veeam Agent will not create VLM files in this backup chain.